Week 1

1. Courtesy call to Pwani University Administration (Day 1) - 5th of March
a. Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences
b. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Extension)
c. Vice Chancellor
Meeting of regional coordinators and rest for the rest

2. First Meeting (Day 2) - 6th of March
a. Introductions
b. Logistical issues
c. Review of agenda
d. Understanding the funding framework
e. Briefing on research permits (Dr. Ndiso / Dr. Rewe)

3. (Day 3) - 7th of March
a. Rest for all

4. Introduction to Lasswell's Analysis Cards (Day 4 morning) - 8th of March
Tour of Kilifi (Day 4 afternoon)
a. Mnarani Ruins

5. Visit Mombasa (Day 5) - 9th of March
a. Galleries of art.

Week 2

1. Meeting to identify potential institutions to visit (Day 1) - 12th of March
Meeting with regional coordinators
Taking photographs:
a. Mtwapa
2. Taking photopraphs (Day 2) - 13th of March
a. Watamu
b. Malindi
3. Meeting in groups on Laswell's Analysis Cards (Day 3) - 14th of March
4. Contact institutions (Day 4) - 15th of March
5. Plan meetings with selected institutions (Day 5) - 16th of March

Week 3

1. Seminar and workshop on cultural contexts on perception and interpretation of images from PU [Visual Thinking in Learning] (Days 1-2) - 19th-20th of March
2. Meeting of regional coordinators (Day 1)
3. Individual work (Days 3-4) - 21st-22nd of March
4. Workshop on Visual Literacy by Aleš Loziak from UJEP (Day 5) - 23rd of March

Week 4

1. Seminar on Educational project and Visual Language by Rosita Deluigi and Guiseppe Capriotti from UNIMC (Day 1) - 26th of March
Meeting of regional coordinators (Day 1 afternoon)
2. Evaluation of Lasswell's Analysis Cards (Days 2-5) - 27th-30th of March

Week 5

1. One common meeting for all participants and one meeting in groups on Lester's perspectives of analyzing images (Day 1-2) - 2nd-3rd of April
2. Meeting of regional coordinators (Day 1)
3. Meetings with selected institutions (Day 3-5) - 4th-6th of April
a. Universities (Technical University of Mombasa)
b. Arts, crafts, and curio businesses
c. Advertising companies
d. NGOs (Kwetu, Komaza, Moving the Goalposts)
e. Schools - (Kilimo Primary School, Kivukoni School, St. Thomas Girls High School, Great Hope Academy, Mnarani Secondary School, Kibarani School for the Deaf, Bright Beginnings)
f. Tijan School of Art and Design, Mombasa

Week 6

5. Workshop on Visual Literacy by Pavel Mrkus and Daniel Hanzlík from UJEP (Day 1) - 9th of April
6. Meeting of regional coordinators (Day 1)
7. Individual work (Days 2-4) - 10th-12th of April
8. Partial evaluation of Lester's analysis (Day 5) - 13th of April

Week 7

1. Preparations for November-December exhibition (Days 1-2) - 16th-17th of April
2. Meeting of regional coordinators (Day 1)
3. Evaluation of Lester's analysis (Days 3-4) - 18th-19th of April
4. Review of remaining tasks (Day 5) - 20th of April

Week 8

1. Meeting of regional coordinators (Day 1) - 23rd of April
2. Meeting to review visit (Day 1) - 23rd of April
3. Report writing (Days 2-3) - 24th - 25th of April
4. Departure