News: The Secondment in Ústí nad Labem (CZ) in autumn 2020

With the health and safety of the public and our researchers as a foremost priority, the TICASS project has cancelled a secondment in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, from the months of April – May – June 2020, in an effort to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). This secondment and its planned activities will take place in autumn 2020.

We will inform you later about dates of the conference “PERSPECTIVES” and you can send abstracts until April 10 by email to The preparation of the conference is in progress and the program for the conference will come in May 2020!

For the secondment in CZ we are preparing also exhibitions, seminars, training, and workshops focused on visual literacy and visual communication in the public space. The sharing of experience and our common research is continuing. Addiitonal information is also on our Facebook page.