Meeting with academic sector representatives – summary

On the 16th of May, researchers cooperating within the TICASS project discussed the methodological framework of the empirical research, artistic approaches towards visual communication, and possible subjects of artistic interest.

We have shared ideas and perspectives and we have divided into working groups to elaborate presentation of six perspectives of analysis of visual communication as presented by Paul Martin Lester (personal, cultural, technological, ethical, critical, historical).

After the presentation of the research tasks (empirical research, preparations for the conference and exhibition, analysis of Lester) Radek Nagay from Academy of Art in Szczecin presented the possibilities of the Agisoft computer programme for 3D modeling, which will be used to create three-dimensional models to be used for the exhibition with the use of VR glasses allowing access to urban visual spaces of the city, with the focus on a public transportation stop and on an advertisement post.

Aleksandra Lukaszewicz Alcaraz later introduced the Basecamp platform for the project management and briefly described its facilities (task division, team assignment, schedule, to-dos, chat, message board).