Invitation for TICASS International Conference "Urban Visuality, Mobility, Information, and Technology of Images" - 6th-7th of December, Resource Center at Pwani University, Kilifi Kenya.

We invite you to attend the TICASS International Conference "Urban Visuality, Mobility, Information, and Technology of Images", which will take place 6th-7th of December in the Resource Center at Pwani University, Kilifi Kenya.
The conference is focused on visual communication in urban spaces, which is the main medium organizing public space in cities. Visual messages direct traffic, guide human mobility in everyday affairs, inform the public, and they advertise. However, urban visuality is not limited to material signs, with just images; it contains much more – a visual structure of the place, of each city. This structure may be more rigidly organized and imposed within a system of agreement upon official signs, or  it may be more freely negotiated by the participants of the public space in a city. The forms of visual organization of public space in cities are conditioned culturally and economically.

The aim of this conference is to:
  • inquire upon urban visuality in European and African countries,
  • analyse the relation between forms of visual organization in public space in the city and the forms of human mobility within it,
  • analyse the intercultural interactions within the urban space of mobility,
  • reflect upon possible changes in visual communication in public spaces, concerning both human safety and the human need for free expression.

Plan of the conference:

6th of December, 2018 

8:00-8:15 Opening remarks: Prof. Muniro Tsanuo, DVC Research and Extension

8:15-8:30 Opening remarks: Prof. Mohammed Rajab, Vice Chancellor

8:30-8:45 Opening remarks: Dr. Aleksandra Lukaszewicz Alcaraz and Prof. Stephen Muoki

8:45-9:30 Keynote: Aleksandra Lukaszewicz Alcaraz, Urban Visuality in Intercultural Perspective

9:30-9:45 Break

9:45-11:30 Session: Intercultural perspectives on visual communication in Germany, ex-Yugoslavia and Kenya

Grazyna Czubinska and Roman Mazur, Visual communication in urban space of Berlin for the future transportation solutions evolving out of TICASS as academic project supported by the EU.
Lea Horvat, Post-socialist readability of socialist mass housing estates: Examples from ex-Yugoslavia.
Stephen Muoki, Imaging AIDS in Kenya: A historical analysis of public and visual messages on HIV and AIDS epidemic between 2011-2018.
Michael Maua, Perception of librarians on visual literacy: a case of selected universities in Kenya.
Tomasz Huk, School visualization in urban space by the example of selected African and European countries.

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-13:15 Panel discussion: Perceiving, dwelling, understanding, and transgressing urban spaces. Visual readings between Kenya and Italy

Giuseppe Capriotti, The production of images to construct typical public spaces in the Kenyan coast from Malindi to Mombasa.
Flavia Stara, Images of Cities and Invisible Landscapes.
Rosita Deluigi, Inter-urban explorations: from urban spaces to relational places.
Stefano Polenta, Image and place. Which relationships?
Raffaele Tumino, Force of images and critical distance.

13:15-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:00 Workshops: Zbigniew Rogalski,Gift

7th of December, 2018 

8:00-9:30 Session 1: Visual urban spaces – from education to marketing 

Maria Czerepaniak-Walczak, For whom and what for are visual signs in an open urban space; their functions of inclusivity and exclusivity.
Elżbieta Perzycka, Visuality of the urban spaces. Symbols, contexts, narrations.
Aleš Loziak,The visual (photographic) literacy of an individual in a public environment.
Anna Watoła,Visualization in colour-blindness education for pre-school age on the example of kindergartens in Poland and Kenya).

9:30-9:45 Break 

9:45-10:30 Rosita Deluigi – Keynote 

10:30-12:00 Session 2: Visual urban spaces – from education to marketing 

Tomáš Pavlíček,Visual Aspects of Architectural Development of Public Space on the Chosen Urban Cases.
Lidia Marek, Monuments in urban public spaces as visual messages – an ethical perspective.
Edwin Wangoli Wanjawa, Community Engagement as a Driver of Inclusive and Sustainable Public Spaces in African Cities: Experiences and Lessons from Kenya.
Sylwia Bakowska, The relevance of visual communication to improve city marketing.
Anna Brosh, Facebook as a platform of visual communication.
12:00-13:00 Visit to the exhibition “Rapproachment with public space” in Pwani University Library

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:45 Closing remarks: Flavia Stara 

15:00-16:30 Workshop: Zbigniew Rogalski, Gift