Guided Tours of Exhibition and TICASS research Focus Groups in Ústí nad Labem

The exhibition “RAPPROCHEMENT with the public space” was supplemented by two programmes for the public. The seminar 'Detail of Visual Elements in a Public Space Transmitting a Message' took place at 28th May 2020 from 4 pm in gallery 2 Ústí nad Labem House of Arts Faculty of Art and Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem.

The curator, Mrs. Adéla Machová, also prepared a guided exhibition tour of the TICASS exhibition on Wednesday 3rd June 2020, and took a walking tour of the city with Mr. Martin Špičák from Institute of Planning and Development of City. The visitors discovered the details of visual communication in the public space and discussed visual smog in the streets.
The activities of TICASS Focus Groups were realized Thursday 28th May and Friday 29th May, with support of students from the Pedagogical faculty.

photo: Sára Chalupová
