Deliverable 6.1 H – Requirement No. 3 Templates of the informed consent forms and information sheet

Activities taken up within the TICASS project show respect for people and for human diginity, and fair distribution of the benefits and burden of research. Values, rights, and interests of research participants are protected, complying with ethical principles and applicable international, EU, and national law. Researchers in the TICASS project apply the ethical standards and guidelines of Horizon2020.

In the TICASS project we conduct research at airports, in trains and metro stations, in parking lots, elevators, corridors (at the academies and universities, but also in tunnels), and in public transport (buses, trams, cabs, and underground) in Poland, South-Africa, United Kingdom, Italy, and Czech Republic.

The users of the mentioned spaces will be observed and randomly interviewed and asked to fill out surveys referring to the form of understanding meaning of images present in these spaces. We will ask people from different ages, genders, educational backgrounds, and work functions in order to create the broadest possible overview. Therefore we will ask casual passers-by, workers in the places where the research is conducted, students, and others.

We will also ask children, because they belong to the age group already born into the contemporary iconosphere, which – because of that – is much more natural and legible than for older people. It is imporant to observe how patterns of understanding of the images change in a younger generation.

Therefore we have prepared templates of Informed Consent and Information Sheet to Participate in Research for adults (3) and for children (4), and a template of Statistic Information Sheet for the Interview (5). All these documents will be translated to the national languages in the countries where the research will be carried out.

Before interviewing participants and/or giving them surveys to fill out, informed consent will be obtained either in writing or (if consent cannot be given in writing, for example because of illiteracy) non-written consent will be formally documented and independently witnessed.

Participants will be given an informed consent form and detailed information sheets that:

-       are written in a language and in terms they can fully understand,

-       describe the aims, methods, and implications of the research and the nature of the participation,

-       explicitly state that participation is voluntary and that anyone has the right to refuse to participate and to withdraw their participation, samples, or data at any time — without any consequences.

We will ensure that potential participants have fully understood the information and do not feel pressured or coerced into giving consent. 

Interviewing minors we will take various steps in order to ensure their welfare: providing them necessary information, treating them with respect, and respecting also their parent’s/legal representative’s opinions. We will make sure that minors understand the aim and the procedure of the survey, providing them detailed information sheets written in easily understandable form (with illustrations). We will make sure that minors are aware that they can reject participation in the survey without any consequences. In their case we will obtain informed consent from the legally authorised representative and ensure that they have sufficient information to enable them to provide this on behalf and in the best interests of the participanting child or minor.

In case of their illiteracy, non-written consent will be formally documented and independently witnessed.

Signed informed consent forms and information sheets will be kept on file. 

Report: Confidential 